General discussion

What form should a national wado site take?

5 Oct 2020 •
Some people believe the association's national website should be a document depository. The existing site meets this requirement. Others believe the national site needs to be much more than that -  it needs to be an active component in a national organizational strategy aimed at recruiting and retaining more students for each participating dojo. This site is intended to illustrate how that might work in practice. Discuss....

What form should a national wado site take?

5 Oct 2020 •
Some people believe the association's national website should be a document depository. The existing site meets this requirement. Others believe the national site needs to be much more than that -  it needs to be an active component in a national organizational strategy aimed at recruiting and retaining more students for each participating dojo. This site is intended to illustrate how that might work in practice. Discuss....